Phobia Guides
Don't let your fears hold you back anymore - start your recovery now!
Specific Background Information AboutParticular Phobias
Specific Background Information About Particular Phobias
- Ants (Myrmecophobia)
- Bats (Chiroptophobia)
- Bees (Apiphobia or Melissophobia)
- Birds (Ornithophobia)
- Cats (Ailurophobia)
- Cockroaches (Katsaridaphobia)
- Dogs (Cynophobia)
- Fish (Ichthyophobia)
- Horses (Equinophobia) coming soon!
- Insects (Entomophobia)
- Lizards (Scoliodentosaurophobia)
- Moths (Mottephobia)
- Rats/Mice (Musophobia)
- Reptiles (Herpetophobia) coming soon!
- Rodents (Murophobia)
- Snakes (Ophidiophobia)
- Spiders (Arachnophobia)
- Wasps (Spheksophobia)
- Worms (Scoleciphobia)
- Agoraphobia
- Claustrophobia
- Flying (Aerophobia)
- Mirrors (Catoptrophobia) coming soon!
- Riding in a car (Amaxophobia) coming soon!
- Sound or Loud Noises (Phonophobia)
- Stairs or steep slopes (Bathmophobia) coming soon!
Natural Environment Type
If you wish to access our treatment programs for Natural Environment Type
- Dark (Nyctophobia or Scotophobia) coming soon!
- Heights (Acrophobia)
- Rain (Ombrophobia) coming soon!
- Snow (Chionophobia) coming soon!
- Storms (Astraphobia)
- Trees (Dendrophobia) coming soon!
- Water (Aquaphobia)
Blood Injection Injury Type
If you wish to access our treatment programs for Blood Injection Injury Type
- Dentists (Dentophobia) coming soon!
- Doctors (Iatrophobia) coming soon!
- Hospitals (Nosocomephobia) coming soon!
- Needles (Trypanophobia)
- Beards (Pogonophobia)
- Being alone (Autophobia or Monophobia) coming soon!
- Buttons (Koumpounophobia) coming soon!
- Choking (Pseudodysphagia)
- Clowns (Coulrophobia)
- Color red (Erythrophobia) coming soon!
- Large things (Megalophobia) coming soon!
- Phones (Telephonophobia)
- Plants (Botanophobia) coming soon!
- Small things (Microphobia) coming soon!
- Speed (Tachophobia) coming soon!
- Sun/Sunlight (Heliophobia)
- Vomiting (Emetophobia)